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The present study examined the influence of acculturation level and family relationships (i.e., positive family support and negative family strain) on quality of life (QOL), using the data from the Population Study of ChINese Elderly (PINE) in Chicago (= 3159). Controlling for sociodemographic variables and health status, it was found that individuals’ acculturation level and positive family support were positively related to QOL, whereas negative family strain was negatively associated with QOL. More importantly, higher acculturation levels were associated with increased protective effects of positive family support and reduced risk effects of negative family strain on QOL among U.S. Chinese older adults.  相似文献   
This study assesses the association of 12th-grade student factors (e.g., grades, classroom misbehaviors) with substance use (i.e., binge drinking, cigarette smoking, marijuana) across large, medium-sized, and nonmetropolitan areas. Based on a sample of 2,189 students from the 2013 Monitoring the Future data set, logistic regression analyses showed that poor student academic and behavioral factors were associated with higher substance use after controlling for gender, race, and socioeconomic status. Interaction analyses further showed no significant differences in the influence of student factors on substance use across locales. Results suggest that prevention efforts against substance use should target student factors regardless of area of residency.  相似文献   
为了让习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“进教材、进课堂、进头脑”,需要从方式、方法层面进行分析。在深耕教材的基础上,发现2018版《马克思主义基本原理概论》教材在融入习思想时,依据不同内容主要采取了文献参考式、引入说明式、说明原理式、补充创新式、替代更新式等方法。为有效做好教材体系向教学体系转换,针对教材中对习思想融入的不同方式,可以因内容分别或组合选择活动拓展法、课前一语法、习近平话语中心式教学法、问题式教学法、案例教学法等。在转化过程中,在方法论上必须坚持马克思主义辩证法,具体问题具体分析,做到转化有法但无定法;在转化的内容和方法的关系上,必须坚持内容和方法的有机统一,从习思想和教材整体视角审视转化,处理好整体与部分的关系;在思政课的价值引领方面,必须处理好真理与价值的关系,把转化最终落脚于价值转化,使习思想真正入脑、入心。  相似文献   
Research has shown that Arab portrayals on television have an effect on viewers’ beliefs about Arabs in general. Based on questionnaire responses from 429 undergraduate students, this study sought to examine perceptions of Arabs on television. Results revealed that college students have predominantly antagonistic views about Arabs in general and on television. These findings suggest that television can affect the way college students view reality regarding Arabs and how these perceptions can perpetuate negative stereotypes.  相似文献   
Objective: This study illustrates how a theory-based approach can identify college students’ beliefs about stress reduction activities and help-seeking for depression. These beliefs are the basis for intervention design. Participants: A sample of 53 undergraduate students at a public university in the Midwest participated in this research during March 2016. Methods: An open-ended belief elicitation survey was administered online. Beliefs were identified through qualitative thematic analyses. Results: Exercise was students’ most preferred stress reduction activity. Beliefs about exercise emphasized physical benefits yet also not having time for exercise. Beliefs about help-seeking for depression emphasized treatment efficacy, support from others, stigma, and time constraints. Conclusions: Whereas beliefs about positive outcomes inform educational and motivational messages, beliefs about time constraints underscore the need to also consider structural factors that can help students find time to attend to their well-being.  相似文献   
信息是国家治理的重要依据。中国国家治理常规机制与运动式治理机制间的矛盾深刻地体现在了日常管理与应急管理的差异之中。当下的治理逻辑必然地要求日常管理采取科层制的非人格化管理模式,对直接上级的负责制形塑了信息沿纵向逐级向上衰减的常规信息传递机制。但在应急管理机制之下,上级应对突发事件的精准决策却有赖于对真实信息的掌握,而常规机制所带来的表象性避责策略则会削弱上级的决策准确性,由此这一张力进一步形塑了中国国家治理在应急管理机制中的“信息悖论”现象。   相似文献   
相关历史文献、金石文字以及出土实物证明,“隃麋”是今陕西省千阳县在两汉时期的正确县名写法,《后汉书》等写作“渝麋”或“隃糜”均为传写之误。隃麋墨,产地为隃麋、材质为松烟、形制为丸状或锭状。关于隃麋墨的记载,最早出自东汉蔡质《汉官典职仪式选用》,而不是最常被引用的东汉应劭《汉官仪》。  相似文献   
全面抗战时期,受战时通货膨胀影响,大后方大学教师和学生群体的生活水平迅速下降,但与真正意义上的"赤贫阶层"尚有距离,决定大学教师和学生生活水平的关键要素相比战前已发生变化。战前大学教师的生活水平结构与教师职级、教育水平紧密相关,而战时大后方大学教师的生活水平结构则受到薪金、兼职、家庭负担等多方面因素的共同制约。战前大学生的主体是社会中间阶层出身的子弟,校园内的生活水平结构呈"橄榄型",战时大后方大学校园内的生活水平结构则截然二分为富裕和清贫学生两部分,清贫学生成为学生群体中的主体。全面抗战时期大后方大学教师和学生生活水平结构的变化,既有战时客观因素的制约,也受到国民政府相应教育政策的影响。  相似文献   
“微时代”大学生爱国奋斗精神培育,是推动大学生爱国奋斗精神培育与时俱进的现实之需,也是引导新时代大学生成长成才的内容之要,更是凝心聚力实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的应有之义。爱国奋斗精神最基本的特征是在家国情怀的牵引下,将“爱国”同“奋斗”两个价值主题转化为奋斗报国的实践主题。高校必须把握“微时代”特点及当代大学生群体特征,秉承因事而化、因时而进、因势而新理念,把握其方法论要义。从“微时代”高校思想政治教育的现实境遇角度出发,分析当代大学生在网络空间下的行为样态和“微时代”烙印特征,通过创作“微内容”、抢占“微阵地”、净化“微环境”、营造“微文化”,探索“微时代”背景下大学生爱国奋斗精神培育的有效路径。  相似文献   
推动课堂教学革命,打造“金课”是提高人才培养质量的关键之举。课堂教学改革,需要共同发挥学校、教师和学生三方积极性,通过构建“三位一体”的课堂教学改革联动机制,充分发挥学校在课堂教学改革中的保驾护航作用、教师的引领推动作用和学生的实施践行作用。  相似文献   
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